This question I just ask before.
Be simple , AWD only cannot use the shell with marked ( HM / LM ) . MR03 can use all shell .
The shell marked for AWD / MRxx only means the wheel come with the shell is for AWD / MRxx .作者: davy1683 時間: 2010-3-6 22:59
Sorry I don't understand作者: liman2009 時間: 2010-3-7 01:26
mr03個呔零唔同awd個呔零,所以車殼有分awd/mr03作者: ellis 時間: 2010-3-7 13:31
拎可以用offset 去就, 但有d殼車頭太偏太低, awd 前轉向杯會頂車殼, 所以用唔到係awd度, 只可以mr02 或mr03才可以用.作者: davy1683 時間: 2010-3-7 23:06
thank you C hing