自己焊都OK的作者: gimsink 時間: 2010-4-10 16:46
T-plug can withstand very high current but not easy to solder becasue the metal strip is inserted to plastic, it will melt the plastic easily in high temperature during soldering.
I use Trax plug, you can solder the metal strip and plug into the plastic plug, and Trax plug can withstand even higher current.
But if XB kit w/o power upgrade, tamiya plug is more than enough, no need to change !作者: 搖控新手 時間: 2010-4-10 16:51 本帖最後由 搖控新手 於 2010-4-10 16:56 編輯
我讀書時試過放一次車,試過問D同學借電玩,D同學都唔多願意,可能我人緣差作者: oscarchoi 時間: 2010-4-10 20:38 回復 9#1524
無錯換咗就可以這樣玩,好像上星期六有位司兄玩車途中無電,但佢就是白插咗啊作者: X360 時間: 2010-4-10 21:42
12號線焊上去T插 .. 無vice夾住真係好難焊 .. 作者: oscarchoi 時間: 2010-4-10 21:45
可以去鴨記買個批士來夾著焊接作者: gimsink 時間: 2010-4-10 23:52
But I still prefer Trax plug !作者: EC5WVR4PRO4 時間: 2010-4-11 00:04
T插重有個好處就係唔會插错shot電.(除咗焊错線)作者: oscarchoi 時間: 2010-4-11 00:07
白插都不會插錯啊作者: asaq-wong 時間: 2010-4-11 01:28
買條T公插轉白插咪可以借人地電玩~~作者: angelo2046 時間: 2010-4-11 01:51
Easy to justify this: you can feel the Tamiya plug is WARM after running, you won't feel the same if you use deans (T) plug. My ESC heat sink also cooler with T-plug.
Perhaps this is because the ESC is a old Novak Hammer PRO (300A), I guess Tamiya TEU-101BK may not deliver this as its current is just 60A. Recall: P=I^2 x R, Tamiya plug have higher R. In high current application the power loss (heat) it introduce is much more pronounced.
Go SSP 昌記電業, 1 pair T-plug $7 with heat shrink tube, should be a better deal than in KWS.作者: fun 時間: 2010-4-11 05:27