我在鴨記買左幾粒電自焊黎用, 返屋企度全部0V,
可以充5600mah 1.5V, 好夠爆, 但充滿唔用放係到唔夠兩日跌返去0V,
咁樣是否正常?作者: nene 時間: 2010-5-10 23:22
好唔正常!!!!兩日都放唔到作者: gordonleung 時間: 2010-5-10 23:44
如果放2日跌番去0V, 絕對係好唔正常作者: hkmvp789 時間: 2010-5-10 23:49
死電~~ ?????????????作者: michaelxl2000 時間: 2010-5-10 23:52
好有問題,冒牌貨都唔出奇?仲要系劣質果種,唔好貪平,去模型店買好d作者: michaelxl2000 時間: 2010-5-10 23:55
我排Intellect 4600mah只充30%電後儲存,擺左半年仲有6.8volt作者: gimsink 時間: 2010-5-11 16:11
I have similar situiation, buy Intellect 5000mah battery in SSP, very good performance only 2-3 cycles, then can only recharge to 20% and stop. I just wonder those SSP shop are selling 劣質冒牌貨 !!作者: gimsink 時間: 2010-5-11 16:13
ps, buying battery in SSP is not 貪平, but KWS salesman attitude is so bad that I don't want to spend money there !!!作者: lunb 時間: 2010-5-11 16:16
已壊..............作者: nel3838 時間: 2010-5-11 17:58
I bought 3 x intellect 4600mAH from KWS last year, already soldered packs from one of the popular shops. They have the same problem. I asked them, and they just said need to store with partial charge, and not full charge. But the problem still exists.
No more intellect for me.作者: tscc 時間: 2010-5-11 23:14 回復 13#dennis_wong
可能他們新電放得大久沒出售才會這樣,模型店未出售的電有時也會自放電至零V ,但他們的店員有時會自己去再充回電才賣。如果還能充回電而又有力,多數用大電流充放多次後便會回復一定狀態。作者: RCMan_2006 時間: 2010-5-12 07:38
Below 0.7v/cell & storage, it will damage/ loss most capacity and non-recoverable by cycling even Ni-CD batteries.
So, Dead-short discharge and following charge method is got most punching but the batteries are also easlier dead.作者: tscc 時間: 2010-5-12 11:35
我在網上查到, 原來ni-mh電drop到0V時陽極內部會氧化而且不能逆轉, 陽極會氧化會加速漏電, 到了0V又會更加氧化, 是惡性循環..........冇得救作者: RCMan_2006 時間: 2010-5-12 16:33