地點 : 大尾督水上活動中心 V70 17 sea wind 級別 隊際
Water 39 V70 爛頭 67
時間 : 10:00am賽前各項預備 Johnny28 40 Water 流浪 85
杜 sea 46 Johnny28 NW 121
首輪賽事10:30~12:00 肥佬 50 TMT 251
EX40 54
次輪賽事13:30~16:30 So 81
Fly 122
級別 : open class 及 sea wind class Yiu 125
路比仔 139
各參與者在此報上,船款、band及編號。 Skipper 141
Nick 150
註 : 是日沒有水上活動課程,賽場自由空間度較大。 Tiger 150
杜 sea #2 wind star
Fly #11 azetone 2.4G
Johnny 28 #28 sea wind 2.4G
Tiger #18 wind star 2.4G
Water #33 sea wind
EX40 #40 wind star AM (27.025)
Sanain #77 wind star FM (40.810)
So #07 yamaha FM (40.730)
麥 ? ? 2.4G 作者: Johnny28 時間: 2010-5-23 21:15
Long time no see 龍之子, I am Missing You.作者: sunday 時間: 2010-6-25 14:47
so whats the average cost of each "race" boat around ?作者: fly175hk 時間: 2010-6-25 17:58
so whats the average cost of each "race" boat around ?
sunday 發表於 2010-6-25 14:47
The best buy for 1 metre boat these days seems to be Kyosho Seawind. Cost should be around $17xx. You just need to throw in a 2 channel remote control + 2 servo and are set to go. The Seawind is very reliable and can last for years.