RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: 新燈加LED問題 [打印本頁]

作者: cx104    時間: 2010-5-25 20:50
標題: 新燈加LED問題
請問下新燈一個插最多可以焊幾多粒3V LED?
作者: Suzuki1105    時間: 2010-5-25 21:00
作者: cx104    時間: 2010-5-25 21:03
回復 2# Suzuki1105
即係焊四粒LED in seris 係可以既?
係除左駁speed indicator 果三個位暗之外..其他都唔暗
作者: lajar    時間: 2010-5-25 21:45
係OK嘅  .....  我尾燈焊左4粒...
作者: Michael336    時間: 2010-5-26 01:09
you can use a 3v relay, let the mcf01 to control the relay as a switch, then u can add as many LED as u can.
作者: Jazz_Wan    時間: 2010-5-26 01:32
you can use a 3v relay, let the mcf01 to control the relay as a switch, then u can add as many LED a ...
Michael336 發表於 2010-5-26 01:09

    3v relay HOW MUCH
作者: odaan    時間: 2010-5-26 10:05
本帖最後由 odaan 於 2010-5-26 10:06 編輯
3v relay HOW MUCH
Jazz_Wan 發表於 2010-5-26 01:32

$10 之內 , 仲分 4 腳 , 6 腳 , 8 腳

SY-5-K 係 5V
SY-3-K 係 3V

4 腳單刀單閘 , 6 腳雙刀單閘(鴛鴦閘)  , 8 腳雙刀雙閘
鴨記華暉有 , 如果成條街都無就唔洗再周圍搵
作者: cx104    時間: 2010-5-26 10:33
本帖最後由 cx104 於 2010-5-26 11:01 編輯

Thank You
作者: Michael336    時間: 2010-5-26 21:16
回復 8# cx104
if i remember, it's selling for $6.5 each, i got this from Wa Fai at Shum Shui Po.



and it's not hard to use, the side with two pins, it's the switch connect, just connect it to any light socket from mcf01, and the side with three pins, the first pin is connect to the middle pin when the switch connect is powered. otherwise the other side is connect to the middle pin.

作者: odaan    時間: 2010-5-27 17:25
回復  cx104
if i remember, it's selling for $6.5 each, i got this from Wa Fai at Shum Shui Po.

Michael336 發表於 2010-5-26 21:16

呢隻 OK 架 , 單刀雙閘

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