RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: [請教]黐左車呔想REMOVE [打印本頁]

作者: alangor    時間: 2006-1-18 15:22
標題: [請教]黐左車呔想REMOVE

作者: crunch    時間: 2006-1-18 15:35
Yes you can.  Depending on the amount of tire glue you used when you 黐呔.  

You can boil the 轆拎+呔 in a pot with hot water for about 15-20 minutes, then you can pull off the tire from the rim.

I have done this before for my big foot tires and it worked.  Just becareful when you are pulling the tire from the rim.  The hot water soaked by the inside tire foam is HOT!!!
作者: Evo5    時間: 2006-1-18 15:59
dont boil too long as u will melt the rim hahahah
then u need to buy your mum a new pot hahaha
作者: alangor    時間: 2006-1-18 17:49
let me try try sin

thanks Crunch & Evo5

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