C HING, WHAT KIND OF BATTERY Y CAN RUN 30MINS?作者: tatame 時間: 2010-6-9 09:25
如果用架車玩沙地會cup 小好多同可以爽快地俾油轉彎~ 大家可以試下~ 畢竟佢既都係一架越野車~ 設定同配置都係針對越野地! : )作者: emaxxyeung 時間: 2010-6-9 12:18 回復 19#alanwhc
if you use lipo, your car wont last too long, you may need to change the motor and the bearings very fast as lipo is so strong and the motor and the bearings will be very hot....... and you can cook on it....作者: emaxxyeung 時間: 2010-6-12 21:54 回復 44#jeffip97原來如此,玩lipo有這后遺証,明白哂,lipo玩吾過,都係買多pad原装電+2排life算數 THX jeff兄作者: jeffip97 時間: 2010-6-12 21:56
you should buy another nimh batteries instead of using stock ones as they are only 3000mah, you can buy some 4000-5000mah作者: emaxxyeung 時間: 2010-6-12 22:06 回復 46#jeffip97這個我知,買Stock電是因此車不能連續玩太耐,電箱位太密封,散熱吾好,導致舊電好兴.所以我本人覺得用太大mah來提高耐久性對此車沒用.作者: jeffip97 時間: 2010-6-12 22:33
stock batt it is not as the plug of it is expensive and the shop will make the price higher because of this..... you sjould change it to a T-plug or normal white plug to play...作者: emaxxyeung 時間: 2010-6-12 23:00 回復 48#jeffip97 [i have been change to T plug作者: fattiearthur 時間: 2010-6-13 00:57
LiFe 電要唔要專用差機? 我部差 Li ion 既照差得唔得呢?
P.S. Motor. bearing, gear 既 life time 係 depend 你用幾大 Volt 去 drive 影響大的呀!
例如你用 MiMh 14.4V 應該比 LiPo 10.8V 更易死呀?! V=IR , ie. V 大 = I 大作者: mike20192 時間: 2010-6-13 01:50
rc mart 剛剛返貨,有買診手只餘少量
skwumail 發表於 2010-6-12 16:55