120A 可用 stock mode....不過可能要自己update software作者: tscc 時間: 2010-6-17 20:33
hobbywing隻120A出左新版v2.1, 可以用 528mod, 架車加速會爆d作者: z96282424 時間: 2010-6-17 20:42
哦~~~ 姐係KWS有得賣2.1版既120A??? 528MOD又係咩東東?作者: tscc 時間: 2010-6-17 21:09
最新版esc software, 10/6 release作者: tscc 時間: 2010-6-17 21:11
database version:1.75
1.The new firmware "100605" for XERUN-150A/80A significantly improves the start performance at very low PRM, and the throttle linearity is also improved.
2.The new firmware "100528_Mod" for XERUN-120A/60A V2.0 (or later version) is suitable for Modified Group racing. The turbo technology is also applied in this firmware, so the top speed is increased.作者: tscc 時間: 2010-6-17 21:15 本帖最後由 tscc 於 2010-6-17 21:26 編輯