This is a common direction of all kinds of motor sport.... Unless you've a tight control race that even your car is supplied by officials, otherwise, even if you've all sorts of rules governing this and that, people will squeeze every bits and pieces to the maximum!! Look at Formula One! 作者: 肥神 時間: 2010-6-27 16:50
stock係要出狗招,modified先係技術作者: 145240370 時間: 2010-6-27 17:23 回復 5#肥神
咩道理呀?作者: 鐵老人 時間: 2010-6-27 17:47
想買摩打同esc唔知點買好作者: jefffff 時間: 2010-6-27 18:53
will play modify after play stock.作者: RANKS 時間: 2010-6-27 19:21
look what Hara had done on ETS, he played modify also boost turbo as we play stock. so , just make ourselves progress for the future作者: 天娜 時間: 2010-6-27 21:41
其實只要限制stock用無感摩打就得, 因為turbo/boost mode 用唔到o係sensorless 既摩打上
有錯請指正作者: librayiu 時間: 2010-6-27 23:34
"binary" 師兄以 f1 做例子, 絕對正確. stock 組都係一樣. 同一個 cycle: initial rules -> 有人搵到 loop hole or 有新技術 -> 太快 -> 新 rules 令到慢返 d -> 又有人搵到 loop hole or 又有新技術 -> 又 revise rules ....
我睇 ROAR 既 ESC approval list, LRP stock spec 雖然可用不過唔可以用 advance timing, 即係唔俾用 turbo. 呢個情況就係上面既 cycle 咁.