其實TB-02都幾好,可惜生不逢時......我都有架...但而家做左景品車.作者: German 時間: 2010-7-22 20:14
TT01淨跑空地->TA05 YMC 像真B組第四
成績唔係好好,但進步既感覺就真係FEEL到作者: EX超龍 時間: 2010-7-22 20:35
TT-01 作者: ryancmlam 時間: 2010-7-22 22:09
F1 or M04作者: SPAWN 時間: 2010-7-22 22:10
TA-03F!就係佢令我有隻杯仔拎作者: rcuser 時間: 2010-7-22 22:11
TT01 --------作者: lazer 時間: 2010-7-23 00:28
415msx!!作者: 威威 時間: 2010-7-23 00:31
t3作者: hardmankam 時間: 2010-7-23 01:14
1 2 仔作者: abcde 時間: 2010-7-23 02:43
i also feel mini z...you play it at track..then increase you control skill a lot....then 4wd touring...play at wan chai and now will not play on playground or football place...due to running dog is meaningless....then..now...play f1 or 2wd....know more and more fun on control.. 2wd is hard to control well special in no traction track..........作者: laufufu 時間: 2010-7-23 03:17
trf 415 msx
b4 that i PLAY TA05,...但玩左415之後,反而覺得TA05太穩定.作者: kkchung 時間: 2010-7-23 12:40
以前第一次正式入場玩是三和遙控車場,但感覺和之前在球場玩水喉賽道差不多容易,只是多了時間弄弄不同車設定的變化。反而是玩 ABC 1/24 蚊車時更加學習到要在控制上的忍耐和應付不好的車子時控制。最重要還是玩多些和去多些不同場地跑跑看,來比較一下大家的分別。作者: li5115 時間: 2010-7-24 02:36
後驅車,練技術首選。作者: @JOLY@ 時間: 2010-7-24 02:40
TA05^O^......作者: RCMan_2006 時間: 2010-7-24 10:28
電單車....好難玩....玩得掂,技術有反咁上下!作者: pl 時間: 2010-7-24 11:24
RCMan_2006 發表於 2010-7-24 10:28
我仲用緊架甩皮甩骨既TT01去跑......作者: pd 時間: 2010-10-6 20:07
Dnano can train you up!作者: ernestf 時間: 2010-10-6 20:14
10 yrs ago, AE T3, Yokomo MR4TC
Recent 5 yrs, Pro4, Cyclone
Most recent, Photon, T3
They are all responsive to setting change, help me to learn more from different setup and its effect.
I drove a lot of other cars but those listed here are outstanding in my opinion.作者: lws920 時間: 2010-10-6 20:44