作者: abcde 時間: 2010-8-5 16:15
ching... 我星期二去玩..都是f103gt....我玩鋰鐡 6.6v...用好盈35a 9t 23/104 gear ratio...我想有23t 有刷速度..不過場大 ...唔多夠快...
如ching 玩鋰電7.4v, 我想好盈13t 差不多...f103gt 不能用太快魔打...終歸2wd 和車子頂不順的.....
另外..我是用海綿呔的....作者: freeboy303 時間: 2010-8-5 16:18
i advise u buy hobbywing 120A sensored with 10.5t or over...because these could use turbo stock mode....the programing is very easy that u can look at the mode on the card to set..
hobbywing is going to 推出a new modal few months later so it is hard to buy the old modal now......
hope these information can help u..作者: Barry28 時間: 2010-8-5 18:09
i advise u buy hobbywing 120A sensored with 10.5t or over...because these could use turbo stock mode ...
freeboy303 發表於 2010-8-5 16:18
Hi !
Please advise how much for 120A, 10.5T motor ?作者: freeboy303 時間: 2010-8-5 18:12
i brought that $890 in 極X作者: swswsw 時間: 2010-8-5 18:15
yes... the track is so large.. that my car is like a fly....作者: GSXR600 時間: 2010-8-5 19:02
DB01 5.5T 60A 17/91 都係岩岩夠快喇...作者: abcde 時間: 2010-8-5 19:32 回復 6#swswsw
ching....tried the track ? play 1/12 ? your 1/12 can't play fly on wan chai but sure can play "high" in this big track.....作者: hofung 時間: 2010-8-5 21:10 回復 2#abcde