原帖由 PRiNCe 於 2006-8-6 23:15 發表
nice EK9 Twin detonator can be very fast if you change to APEX twin motor esc and E-Maxx motors
Did you get complain by the lifeguard? some brothers have been 'told off' for playin ...
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2006-8-6 23:28 發表
Which ESC that you use in your Twin Detonator ?
原帖由 灰色軌跡 於 2006-8-6 23:54 發表
hey bro~ 龍鼓灘有無地方啱 mp or lunch box 玩呀? 我成日都係去蝴蝶灣放...雖然都幾好玩 但開始有d 悶,...
原帖由 alangor 於 2006-8-7 22:12 發表
the place is quite small^^ also, my lunch box cannot climb there too~~
原帖由 灰色軌跡 於 2006-8-8 00:34 發表
...咁好似都係蝴蝶灣好玩d喎~~ haha 又無人趕~ 人流又唔多~~ 你睇佢玩到~~
原帖由 PRiNCe 於 2006-8-6 23:15 發表
nice EK9 Twin detonator can be very fast if you change to APEX twin motor esc and E-Maxx motors
Did you get complain by the lifeguard? some brothers have been 'told off' for playin ...
原帖由 alangor 於 2006-8-8 20:32 發表
你多數日頭 or 夜晚係蝴蝶灣咖?
原帖由 Jackson 於 2006-8-9 13:10 發表
The Novak Super Duty should be way more than enough. I think it has the highest specs for a dual motor ESC.
原帖由 Jackson 於 2006-8-9 15:00 發表
I had a TXT before and I only tried a few motors. First was the stock silver cans, it was pretty slow, but very good torque. Then I tried a single 12T motor, which wasn't quite enough for the large ...
原帖由 tamidion 於 2006-8-9 15:13 發表
Thanks for the info. I am more interested to do climbing. do you think I can put 2x 12T Motor in the TXT with the Novak Super Duty ESC?
原帖由 jpmontoya2 於 2006-8-9 16:16 發表
I suggest you go for something that has high # of turns like 35T or even 55T or 75T if your main purpose is crawling...
原帖由 tamidion 於 2006-8-9 16:50 發表
Thanks. so 55T/75T shall give more touque right ? Thanks.
原帖由 Jackson 於 2006-8-10 03:51 發表
Oh yes, I forgot, I also tried the Integy 55T motors in the TXT. I tried both single and dual and didn't find much difference. So I think a single 55T is enough for TXT crawling.
原帖由 rctc3rc 於 2006-8-10 15:28 發表
玩Twin detonator / Lunch Box 要唔要改油壓嫁???
原帖由 Jackson 於 2006-8-10 03:51 發表
Oh yes, I forgot, I also tried the Integy 55T motors in the TXT. I tried both single and dual and didn't find much difference. So I think a single 55T is enough for TXT crawling.
原帖由 alangor 於 2006-8-6 23:33 發表
I use futaba MC330^^
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2006-8-14 22:13 發表
I just bought a TD too and don't know whether the V16r could be used to drive this dual motor truck or not. If MC330 can, I think V16r may be ok.
Any overheat encountered?
原帖由 alangor 於 2006-8-15 07:57 發表
我個mc330 唔係好熱,玩完一排電掂落都唔係辣手,我玩左一個星期晚晚放都ok^^
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