標題: >35 years old & Cute RC system [打印本頁] 作者: chiu 時間: 2010-9-26 18:56 標題: >35 years old & Cute RC system 本帖最後由 chiu 於 2010-10-26 08:58 編輯
From USA- Kraft 3 channel system
Very primitive with charge cord but no charger need. Direct charge from 11oV power.作者: chan1234 時間: 2010-9-26 18:57
VERY NICE !!作者: [email protected]時間: 2010-9-26 19:07
睇落好襟用作者: dotwack 時間: 2010-9-26 20:26
hahaha 諗起好多回憶呀。謝謝。作者: emaxxyeung 時間: 2010-9-26 21:41
C兄,我對你台面個4條軚有興趣多的.作者: ryancmlam 時間: 2010-9-26 21:43
wow.. there is a blub inside, LED was not common at that moment作者: chiu 時間: 2010-9-26 21:52
C HING 有時間一齊出嚟放山豬作者: emaxxyeung 時間: 2010-9-26 22:57 回復 9#racart
C兄,好呀.但要等我把隻豬還原本色先得.keep contact作者: chacha 時間: 2010-9-26 23:14
點解會有個燈"火旦"係裡面作者: 大孖 時間: 2010-9-26 23:18
我諗當年買得起這套遙控的人非富則貴。作者: gibson 時間: 2010-9-27 00:18
Woo, vintage antique. Looking at this old stuff, "A picture of Big brother Big mobile phone" was came out in my mind!! 作者: chopsticks 時間: 2010-9-27 00:18
金屬殼!好嘢黎Wor作者: mmz 時間: 2010-9-27 03:22
當時Kraft有一種SERVO,KPS-15H,以當年大慨1972年時,可以有3.5KG拉力都唔野少作者: ilove-benz 時間: 2010-9-27 11:48
要黎做乜????作者: totoro 時間: 2010-9-27 17:43
經典作者: fat_fat_cat 時間: 2010-9-27 17:59
Their SSM is always the untouchable price.... 作者: ebe 時間: 2010-9-28 14:07
鐵殼 Control 當年係好....貴作者: topedo 時間: 2010-9-28 20:57
Yes, very very expensive.作者: PANDA88 時間: 2010-9-29 10:57
金屬殼 VERY EXPENSIVE作者: momo 時間: 2010-9-29 18:45 作者: chiwingedwinlo 時間: 2010-9-29 21:26
當年凡係金屬shell遙控器都是貴野.作者: chiu 時間: 2010-9-29 21:46 回復 23#chiwingedwinlo
FUTABA at that time was very famous. 3 ch to 6 ch like these:-作者: nel3838 時間: 2010-9-29 21:56
wahhhhh.. . . very out wor..... nice....作者: 大孖 時間: 2010-10-9 14:53
Chiu 兄, 你這套Futaba遙控器當年(1976)我與老豆曾問過價,盛惠3000大元。
當年一般打工仔都係3千左右。所以是得個恨字。作者: overload 時間: 2010-10-9 15:13
係咪用濕電?作者: emaxxyeung 時間: 2010-10-9 15:49
Agreed. Such a precious item, keep it as antique is better than using it (which may damage it).作者: watchmanll 時間: 2010-10-25 23:28
一流呀....作者: chiu 時間: 2010-10-26 08:55
其實遠古的遙控器好多不同設計,樣子又好過懚,唔同而家只是槍型比車,及双棍設計等。作者: sunday 時間: 2010-10-26 09:10
Woo, vintage antique. Looking at this old stuff, "A picture of Big brother Big mobile phone" was ca ...
gibson 發表於 2010-9-27 00:18
its a no no, much early era then the Big brother Brick phone ~ 作者: kit1938 時間: 2010-10-26 09:22
C hing 好似炮王果個引爆器!作者: bcr2000 時間: 2010-10-26 10:16
ching 我都有 兩部 玉色2ch 鐵壳FUTABA棍控.
可PM嗎作者: chiu 時間: 2010-10-26 10:52 本帖最後由 chiu 於 2010-10-26 11:05 編輯