咁多牌子, 星星算最易搵.
作新手入門, 星星係good choice. 易砌, 說明書清楚, spare同 option都易搵.作者: gimsink 時間: 2010-9-27 15:28
玩越野車 I do not suggest 星星, the car kit is not expensive, but if you want to buy option parts later, maybe the total price will be higher than an AE factory team car......
Especially 新手 + 越野, 1st car is important, it determine whether you will or will not like buggy.....so I suggest AE or Traxxas, they all have 2WD/4WD and difference price ranking for your choice. AE mostly need DIY, Trax all RTR.作者: go2usie 時間: 2010-9-27 15:48
DF03 is not durable at all , as well , no hardened spare parts available.
and DF03 do not have much choices of battery ( square batteries cant be put it in )作者: go2usie 時間: 2010-9-27 15:49
DB01r or 501x is preferred .. if tamiya.作者: kelvin6a23 時間: 2010-9-27 16:31 回復 6#gimsink
for this two ,how much i gotta pay for the car ??作者: andrewlau 時間: 2010-9-27 17:11
C hing,
u can check check Team C, they have 2wd and 4wd, the design is pretty like AE, but half the price. parts is ok in KWS.作者: gimsink 時間: 2010-9-27 18:00
回復 gimsink
for this two ,how much i gotta pay for the car ??
kelvin6a23 發表於 2010-9-27 16:31
AE and Trax have many car kits, you can check on-line for a price reference.作者: 1524 時間: 2010-9-27 18:22 回復 11#gimsink
But not so many choices in KWS.
for Team Associated, ching may try T4, a 2wd truck (or wait for a new version T4.1).作者: ryancmlam 時間: 2010-9-27 22:49
性能and結構上, DB01比DF03較優勝作者: kelvin6a23 時間: 2010-9-28 17:38
AE and Trax have many car kits, you can check on-line for a price reference.
gimsink 發表於 2010-9-27 18:00
just for a basic 4 wd car that is suitable for"NewHand"
may it be $2000??作者: kelvin6a23 時間: 2010-9-28 17:51 http://www.traxxas.com/products/ ... 2408/trx_bandit.htm
C hing are you talking about this brand??作者: gimsink 時間: 2010-9-28 23:07
Yes. If HK$2000 budget, maybe 2WD can fit budget.
Actually unless you play play on beach, 2WD is Ok enough la.
My opinion is, 2WD is more funny, especially high speed connering.作者: joesham 時間: 2010-10-3 22:16
Thanks Brother作者: smallfaifai 時間: 2010-10-4 10:23
2WD對新手會難揸少少,但玩熟左好玩D作者: mlee 時間: 2010-10-7 11:31
2WD is harder to drive, but it is relatively easier to maintain compare to 4WD.作者: EnjoyRC 時間: 2010-10-15 14:21
即係就算新手, 都應該選擇2WD 嗎?作者: chiwingedwinlo 時間: 2010-10-15 22:18
我都係新手, 我玩過team c 部tc02 後駒buggy同3 racing部F109, 2wd真係好玩. 另外因為2WD車的parts小D, 要維修甚至打散全部車再切也方便D.