改低重心≠改低部車作者: sunday 時間: 2010-10-7 01:06
吓!? 改左低重心...點解爬唔到 ? 作者: kaworu0017 時間: 2010-10-7 01:14
我以為改低左會改埋個車身低左....作者: gibson 時間: 2010-10-7 01:21
Bro sunday, your pet pet should be itch. your G1 was crawling perfectly. Why you still modify it? Just enjoy playing it!!! 作者: 毒魚 時間: 2010-10-7 01:43
隻波箱....不是買的?作者: 達人 時間: 2010-10-7 03:04
你個有錢佬丫又改車作者: sunday 時間: 2010-10-7 10:09
Bro sunday, your pet pet should be itch. your G1 was crawling perfectly. Why you still modify it? ...
gibson 發表於 2010-10-7 01:21
舊電放車頭拉桿上面,大多數都係咁做作者: gibson 時間: 2010-10-9 22:04
Do you know how long is 2mm? I will play with my guitar or saxphone instead of doing such mess and only got 2mm..... haha!!! 作者: sunday 時間: 2010-10-9 23:22
every mm count~ im scientist ma 作者: sunday 時間: 2010-10-17 00:46
now is much lower than stock and C.G. get front...... 作者: sunday 時間: 2010-10-17 00:50
no more sun burn on the radio