係咪一般都係得個車架,呔同殼係咪都要另外買? --> Yes
另外top racing果架出咗未? --> Not yet
啲呔係咪都可以共用?? --> Most will fit作者: wingscreamer 時間: 2010-12-17 00:00
咁而家有咩車款可以考慮? 仲有Link or T-Plate, 有咩分別?作者: hk_sdu 時間: 2010-12-17 01:59
Link type can fit 1 cell lipo 4.2v, the most popular today
t-plate, 2 cells lipo or 4 cells old battery, on most of the old version 1:12作者: jf813 時間: 2010-12-17 09:28
CRC, Yokomo, AE, Serpent, Xray, all popular in HK with good parts support. 作者: wingscreamer 時間: 2010-12-17 09:57
Thanks C-hing...
So, link type cannot use 2-cells Lipo, for longer running time?
Thanks!作者: jf813 時間: 2010-12-17 12:19
Link can use 2S lipo like the t bar cars. But need to rise the lipo to clear the link by somthing like foam to clear the link (or T-bar). The CG is higher so will not run as good.... And as you can run higher turns motor. My friend get 30min plus with 9T and 5000mah 2s. 作者: wingscreamer 時間: 2010-12-17 12:57
oic, thanks jf813 Ching....!
考慮緊買一架12仔......不過KWS 好似好少貨,
而二手區有架Xray Link $1700 and Xray T-plate $1100......!
唔知邊架好!作者: jf813 時間: 2010-12-17 13:36
link la. newer model. and if you wants to go 1s or 2s 1800mah battery perfect fit. 作者: wingscreamer 時間: 2010-12-17 14:04
icic, thanks so much!作者: mikuro 時間: 2010-12-17 17:04 回復 8#wingscreamer
"考慮緊買一架12仔......不過KWS 好似好少貨"
Also, I think whatever brand 1/12 car, you may need to order parts at Retail / RC shop since they may not be in stock. Although it is not popular as you have mentioned, however, it is not a problem if you order the parts in advance. Like me, I have wait for the shaft for 2 weeks but it is not a problem to me since I like playing 1/12 pan car ^_^
So, each brand of 1/12 is more or less the same. ^^作者: wingscreamer 時間: 2010-12-18 11:54
終於買左Yokomo R12喇, 哈哈維
電子野摩打有咩好提意...? Thanks!!作者: wingscreamer 時間: 2010-12-18 11:56
仲有Servo?作者: jf813 時間: 2010-12-18 13:15
Nice. hehe. cheaper 9650, better choice bls 651. Use HW 1S ESC and LRP 3.5T (1S) with 12.25mm rotor. Very good!!!! And if use 1S use Silverback 60C.作者: wingscreamer 時間: 2010-12-18 14:31
Thxsss!作者: mikuro 時間: 2010-12-18 18:16 回復 12#wingscreamer
Good ^^作者: defcone 時間: 2010-12-18 18:22
I thought yokomo have to use smaller sized servo?作者: wingscreamer 時間: 2010-12-18 23:11
大出血了!作者: pplu 時間: 2010-12-19 10:54
LRP SXX 喺猫店做緊減價...作者: jf813 時間: 2010-12-20 00:52 回復 18#wingscreamer
1. 有 A,B,C 線, 線路圖參照 LRP manual, 都係直銲. 電變跟埋條 sensor 線, 駁番 電變 同埋 motor
2. 黃金蕉仔, 都係直銲作者: jf813 時間: 2010-12-21 10:55
Make sure you follow the A,B,C at the ESC and motor wor. If not you will burn out the ESC / motor. Direct 銲 is ok. 金色圓條 is the plug so you can solder to the ESC to connect to the battery. Have fun!!!作者: wingscreamer 時間: 2010-12-21 11:38
JF & Mik Thanks for your kind help!