1. ar ming AX-10 2.4G
2. ar 佳 SCX-10 FM.27.145
3. EVO 1/10 unimog 國產2.4G
4. Ar 豪 AX10 祖國2.4G
5. gibson R1 2.4G
6. twinsen SCX-10 2.4G
7. nelson CR01 2.4G
8. shing CR01 2.4G
9. Ben AX10 FM.40.610
10.達人 ???? 2.4G作者: alanwhc 時間: 2010-11-25 21:51
HO! I STILL IN CHINA AT THAT DAY.作者: MR.TAMIYA 時間: 2010-11-25 21:53
2 DAYS BEFORE EXAM作者: truckman 時間: 2010-11-26 00:34 回復 1#bbcming2000
ar ming 好活力作者: 達人 時間: 2010-11-26 01:03
係咪我地上次冇行果度?作者: bbcming2000 時間: 2010-11-26 01:07 回復 5#達人
真的作者: Jazz_Wan 時間: 2010-12-2 01:03
當晚九龍水塘夜爬, 有冇人去?作者: nelson9301 時間: 2010-12-2 01:39
nelson and shing cr 01 x2 2.4Gx2作者: gibson 時間: 2010-12-2 02:06
1. ar ming AX-10 2.4G
2. ar 佳 SCX-10 FM.27.145
3. EVO 1/10 unimog 國產2.4G
4. Ar 豪 AX10 祖國2.4G
5. gibson R1 KO 2.4G
6. twinsen SCX-10 2.4G
7. nelson and shing cr 01 x2 2.4Gx2
I think it is a habit to update the latest list while report band!! 作者: benlau 時間: 2010-12-2 03:01 回復 57#gibson
Ben AX10 FM.40.610作者: Evo露筍 時間: 2010-12-2 07:14