用家自行承受風險!!作者: rcpop 時間: 2011-1-12 11:11
但係現在D差機用成10A差電 , D PC火牛夠唔夠力呀... 點樣計佢D A數作者: Ang 時間: 2011-1-12 17:33
Nowaday's PC 火牛 should be able to handle > 10A @12V as a high-end video card draws over 300W when fully loaded in game-playing mode.
You can monitor the voltage while you're charging.
Of course, it is safer if you've a spare PC w/ a solid 火牛 for charging only.作者: 職業殺手 時間: 2011-1-12 21:02
我成日都係咁用, 無咩問題出現過。