Schumacher Mi4CX作者: chiuxxc 時間: 2011-1-31 19:06
係幾冷門,你要有心理準備零件唔平但幾紮實好走大減齒無代用98蚊一隻香港代理係快捷,我有朋友有三部mi4作者: buzzybee82 時間: 2011-1-31 19:07
會唔會好難買part做日後維修??作者: binary 時間: 2011-1-31 20:13
It is a great car and I can see a lot of potentials from there! A true contender!!作者: Chrispo 時間: 2011-1-31 22:31
零件難買且貴這是真的! 當初買時作了最壞打算, 就是從網上訂購, 不過現時代理服務很好, 較以前年代改善不少(不是擦鞋), 所以才敢一試。
Binary: Agreed with you that the car has got lots of potential. Should have it dialed up to run against you in Feb .作者: 1524 時間: 2011-1-31 23:12
NO NO...NOT EXACTLY.. 係諗都唔好諗....
什麼好車好BRAND 都比佢玩撚死
新年新願望...... 快捷快D"摺" !作者: powis 時間: 2011-2-2 10:54
I also play Hotbodies car. Honestly i always online order hotbodies product from online shop like amainhobbies rather go 快摺. I prefer to let the online shop earn my money rather than 快摺, even i have to pay shipping fee. At least i no need go to the shop and just wait 1 week shipping.作者: Chrispo 時間: 2011-2-2 14:06
So most of the C Hings have got bad experience with Jet Hobby. Anyhow, wishing you all in the Year of Rabbit: 車路亨通,技術猛進!!作者: 1524 時間: 2011-2-2 14:11 回復 22#Chrispo