沒有呀!作者: lazzycat 時間: 2011-2-14 20:11
好勁呀~!作者: yeeha0518 時間: 2011-2-15 05:44
ok wor,add oil ar!!!!!!作者: tiger1 時間: 2011-2-15 06:45
This is not bad at all, do a oil wash and dry brushing then the colors will stand out better 作者: hatakashi 時間: 2011-2-15 07:13
綠色唔錯, 幾接近大戰後期的 Dark Green 作者: fai811 時間: 2011-2-15 08:57
下一部應該會係HL突击豹作者: andygoody 時間: 2011-2-15 09:22
Hope that you could take photos stage by stage showing how you complete the painting.作者: fai811 時間: 2011-2-15 10:10 回復 18#andygoody