Thanks作者: 光丑猶仗凡 時間: 2011-3-10 03:29
in my opinion
好跑&跳,DB01 for sure
易揾parts & 維修 DF03 DB01 no big different
DF02, its outdated~作者: andygoody 時間: 2011-3-10 09:42
I prefer DB01作者: 1524 時間: 2011-3-10 10:51
不過整體來說....星星o既buggy都係唔多掂 作者: mlee 時間: 2011-3-10 14:06
DB-01, prepare to add 1K minimum to make the car run good.... stocks, double slipper, metal parts....
DF-03 has great limitation against battery selection.作者: d.s 時間: 2011-3-10 19:11
Thx all c-hing,
而家再留意到Kyosho Fazer Kobra RTR
Thx報價,咁44.1同44分別在於...??作者: gimsink 時間: 2011-3-14 09:39
I suggest B4 or T4, factory team kit, around HK$1600-1700, already full-option.
Unless you run on beach, otherwsie 2WD is enough la ! Personlly I like 2WD, more funny in high speed race.作者: mlee 時間: 2011-3-14 11:22
I suggest B4 or T4, factory team kit, around HK$1600-1700, already full-option.
Unless you run on b ...
gimsink 發表於 2011-3-14 09:39
I fully agreed that 2WD has more fun. With B4FT, I play more fix. 4WDs are more complex which induce more touch-up after race....作者: supremebird 時間: 2011-3-14 12:03
我yesterday 買了DBX VE 2.4G RTR... 我自己就夠玩lu (低要求:p)