我一位朋友玩一次TRF都有避震流油問題,之後有時候有, 有時候無, 很奇怪.
另外一位 採用 3Racing粉紅色避震全部沒問題, 但是彈簧彈性太弱, 一定轉TRF彈簧.作者: yakuza 時間: 2011-3-10 11:41
貼士喺唔好入太滿油,make sure the rubber diaphragm seat on the cylinder perfectly and no exceeding oil push it away from the cylinder rim. Then twist the metal cap nicely, it will sort out the issue. This is my experience.
Good luck.作者: 大話星 時間: 2011-3-10 11:41
3r出名會流油,點解唔買trf呢?作者: hkwcc00 時間: 2011-3-10 11:47
我都係用3RACING油壓但無漏油,會唔會係你裝得唔好作者: evojacky 時間: 2011-3-10 11:56 回復 5#hkwcc00