RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區
標題: T3 2011 vs TCX 二選一 [打印本頁]
作者: GigaRacer 時間: 2011-3-16 00:34
標題: T3 2011 vs TCX 二選一
本帖最後由 GigaRacer 於 2011-3-15 14:30 編輯
玩開 Xray, 耐用, 結實, but..... 膠dampter, 膠steering blocks, parts 貴. Lipo holder optional, belt tension optional
TCX 有金屬damper, 金屬steering blocks, parts 平. Lipo holder included, belt tension included
不過, 轉會就浪費手上 Xray parts, gear diff.... etc
Any C hing 轉會 from T3 to TCX? Thanks!!
(不會選 TC6, Zero, Photon, 417, Yokomo, kyosho)
作者: carvenchow 時間: 2011-3-16 00:36
作者: GigaRacer 時間: 2011-3-16 01:09
I think SERVO位, 417 and TCX 好D
作者: hknobody 時間: 2011-3-16 06:47
作者: tekin708 時間: 2011-3-16 06:58
must T3 2011
作者: RANKS 時間: 2011-3-16 08:56
must TCX. TITC MOD and STOCK both win.
作者: carvenchow 時間: 2011-3-16 09:09
回復 6# RANKS
作者: airyu 時間: 2011-3-16 09:34
why not wait S411
作者: Marco明 時間: 2011-3-16 09:37
作者: Doughboy 時間: 2011-3-16 09:45
小弟也是T3'11, 我諗兩車在我來說, 分别不大, 只是看零件供應而定~
如果師兄網上訂就冇問題, 但在KWS買的話, 感覺上XRAY會好少少
XRAY代理 - 環X, HPI代理 - 快X
作者: cc4321 時間: 2011-3-16 09:55
兩者選一,我會揀T3 2011
作者: opsbss 時間: 2011-3-16 09:57
作者: powis 時間: 2011-3-16 10:09
opsbss 發表於 2011-3-16 09:57
快X最齊 <- Yup but it doesn't mean they always have all parts of TCX...
But for me it is not a too big issue as i always online order parts for my RC car.
It is really much more easy to find parts for xray in HK.
作者: GigaRacer 時間: 2011-3-16 10:35
排除 KWS 零件, 因為我不在香港, parts 多數郵購.
重有無其他 C hing 玩 TCX 可以共享心得?
作者: opsbss 時間: 2011-3-16 10:51
本帖最後由 opsbss 於 2011-3-16 10:53 編輯
個人意見TCX 比T3-11入彎/出彎好D/定D
TCX 的電子野擺位好D...
http://www.rcfans.com/bbs/forum. ... p;extra=&page=1
作者: singlau714 時間: 2011-3-16 10:59
From what I saw at RC tracks, Xray parts are much more durable than any other brand. And HPI parts are not that cheap.
For fun, I will vote for Xray. But, for serious racing driver, maybe TCX will perform better? if u don't really care about the cost of replacing parts....
作者: keithlaw 時間: 2011-3-16 12:17
回復 16# singlau714
CHING, 你係唔係 Uwant 友? 渣integra 成日串7 人個條友 ?
作者: boyboy 時間: 2011-3-16 13:07
From what I saw at RC tracks, Xray parts are much more durable than any other brand. And HPI parts a ...
singlau714 發表於 2011-3-16 10:59
作者: singlau714 時間: 2011-3-16 13:54
回復 17# keithlaw
oh no... how do u know.....
作者: keithlaw 時間: 2011-3-16 14:00
回復 19# singlau714
因為你真係好串! 串到我都點左你個名相.
不過算啦~ 得個知字姐.
作者: keithlaw 時間: 2011-3-21 15:49
作者: boyboy 時間: 2011-4-16 00:52
作者: antison 時間: 2011-4-16 13:32
(不會選 TC6, Zero, Photon, 417, Yokomo, kyosho)
師兄可唔可以講下點解唔會選呢d車呢?? 唔好咩??
作者: GigaRacer 時間: 2011-4-28 00:27
I got both. Still deciding which one to keep.
不會選 TC6, Zero, Photon, 417, Yokomo, kyosho because:
don't really like TC6's quality, and single steering block
Photon, kind of old now, and single steering block also
417, expensive, and I am done with Tamiya
Yokomo, expensive, and hard to get parts
Kyosho? Not competitive, right?
I am a low profile guy. Need to follow the trend of what most people use (so I can ask questions ). 80% of our local racers use either TCX or T3 11.
作者: ahho 時間: 2011-4-28 03:58
作者: NextStageHobby 時間: 2011-4-28 09:28
TCX !!!!
作者: GigaRacer 時間: 2011-4-28 10:58
本帖最後由 GigaRacer 於 2011-4-27 18:59 編輯
hmm.... I am 55% TCX, 45% T3 11
I am new to HB, and have zero spare parts.
Xray parts, I have a lot. Even if I chose TCX, I still can't give up all the Xray parts because I still run T2009 at work.
作者: Noir.KAZE 時間: 2011-4-28 18:13
GigaRacer 發表於 2011-4-28 10:58
hmm.... I am 55% TCX, 45% T3 11
I am new to HB, and have zero spare parts.
當時我係T3 011同TC6之間揀果陣都有咁既情況
最後揀左T3 011,at least唔洗再儲過一堆parts去俾部新車
作者: ahho 時間: 2011-4-30 01:37
GigaRacer 發表於 2011-4-28 10:58
hmm.... I am 55% TCX, 45% T3 11
I am new to HB, and have zero spare parts.