之前剩係得完成品賣 $3XX
依家透明就 $150,咪要放囉作者: Sin 時間: 2011-3-23 17:16
$150 is a bargain for this body set.作者: MotorsportM5 時間: 2011-3-23 19:01
又要入3-4個殼去珍藏作者: chacha 時間: 2011-3-23 20:56 回復 15#MotorsportM5
好豪喎作者: MotorsportM5 時間: 2011-3-23 22:26
冇法啦....E排我上玩M車Mini仔都係我最愛.作者: Edwin 時間: 2011-3-23 23:31
Where can buy this body shell ar? Thank's a lot!!作者: lingryan 時間: 2011-3-24 10:08
禽日去極粥都唔見war作者: MotorsportM5 時間: 2011-3-26 08:12 回復 19#lingryan
去 "man lee" $150作者: chacha 時間: 2011-3-26 15:37
每次出去廣華街,一定要間間都行,唔係點知有咩筍野執作者: rc2006 時間: 2011-3-26 17:06
Although most of these are trade in $US but I think due to recent drop in JPN the price is getting more attractive now.作者: MotorsportM5 時間: 2011-3-26 22:23