轉速不一的問題可能關個差速事,因為前後軸都有一邊係搭住條縱軸,負載自然比另一邊大了,我部03改了啤呤仍有相同情況,但放落地跑就唔覺有咩問題。作者: wislyho 時間: 2011-4-18 23:38
Please check your wheel nuts are they too tight...作者: wislyho 時間: 2011-4-18 23:53 回復 Alotom 的帖子
May be you need some bearing oil on your bearings.作者: Alotom 時間: 2011-4-19 08:17 回復 wislyho 的帖子
多謝 wislyho 兄的意見,其實兩樣都做過,扭鬆粒絲母速差反而更大,亦會令部車直路都打白鴿轉。作者: wislyho 時間: 2011-4-19 13:45
I think you need some more grip on tyries if it spin out on the stright. Also check your ball Dif. if it has the right tension. May I ask where do you run you car? Proper track or just at home?
Thx 作者: Alotom 時間: 2011-4-19 21:32 本帖最後由 Alotom 於 2011-4-19 21:33 編輯