RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: 電池自動死亡之迷(三洋3600) [打印本頁]

作者: 有勇冇謀    時間: 2006-8-31 10:31
標題: 電池自動死亡之迷(三洋3600)
小弟買了一排三洋3600電池(唔係 match)一個月之內, 叉不足4次, 在最後一次叉電時,叉到3900 但排電非常之熱, 小弟不足為意, 到用排電時, 完全無電唔車, 原來舊電瓜 o左....why???? 點保養?? 可否提點下...

小弟用 ko叉機 3A叉

[ 本帖最後由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-8-31 10:47 編輯 ]
作者: AMAT    時間: 2006-8-31 10:37
作者: 有勇冇謀    時間: 2006-8-31 10:43
原帖由 AMAT 於 2006-8-31 10:37 發表

好似 bx-213
作者: AMAT    時間: 2006-8-31 10:53
原帖由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-8-31 10:43 發表

好似 bx-213


作者: 有勇冇謀    時間: 2006-8-31 10:57
原帖由 AMAT 於 2006-8-31 10:53 發表




thx AMAT兄..

[ 本帖最後由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-8-31 15:02 編輯 ]
作者: SPOONACCORD    時間: 2006-8-31 14:13
APEX MU 好唔好用~?
作者: AMAT    時間: 2006-8-31 14:14
原帖由 SPOONACCORD 於 2006-8-31 14:13 發表
APEX MU 好唔好用~?

作者: 有勇冇謀    時間: 2006-8-31 15:03
原帖由 AMAT 於 2006-8-31 14:14 發表


咁有咩叉機好介紹?? ($800 以內)
作者: AMAT    時間: 2006-8-31 15:15
原帖由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-8-31 15:03 發表

咁有咩叉機好介紹?? ($800 以內)

二手MUCH MORE囉.....
作者: AIBO    時間: 2006-8-31 15:34
原帖由 SPOONACCORD 於 2006-8-31 14:13 發表
APEX MU 好唔好用~?

作者: herbert1    時間: 2006-8-31 15:43
我覺得差唔準冇乜所謂 , 最緊要唔好差死電...........
作者: 有勇冇謀    時間: 2006-8-31 15:48
原帖由 AMAT 於 2006-8-31 10:53 發表



講翻轉頭....why 叉死NI-MH電??
作者: AMAT    時間: 2006-8-31 15:52
原帖由 herbert1 於 2006-8-31 15:43 發表
我覺得差唔準冇乜所謂 , 最緊要唔好差死電...........

作者: AMAT    時間: 2006-8-31 15:53
原帖由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-8-31 15:48 發表

講翻轉頭....why 叉死NI-MH電??

差果時個PEAK DETECT唔好....搞到O的電易過熱呀,差唔滿之類咁O既問題囉.....
同CDC 5.0差唔多......好多人話CDC 5.0都仲好過佢....
作者: herbert1    時間: 2006-8-31 17:00
原帖由 AMAT 於 2006-8-31 15:52 發表


作者: AMAT    時間: 2006-8-31 17:02
原帖由 herbert1 於 2006-8-31 17:00 發表


作者: Motorman    時間: 2006-9-1 01:32
原帖由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-8-31 10:31 AM 發表
小弟買了一排三洋3600電池(唔係 match)一個月之內, 叉不足4次, 在最後一次叉電時,叉到3900 但排電非常之熱, 小弟不足為意, 到用排電時, 完全無電唔車, 原來舊電瓜 o左....why???? 點保養?? 可否提點下...

小弟用 ko叉機 3A叉

NiMH batteries almost have no "memory effect" (as NiCd does) and not necessary to discharge the remained power actually (after 玩完車)…..  "玩完車放電保存" is the major reason while the battery died.  Beside, 叉到3900 is another hurt. You have to cut off manually before 3750.

The best method is to discharge the remained power before you charge it up to play. If you expect will not use the NiMH battery for a long time, you have to fully charge the battery before put it into the box.

For long time not use, better do one cycle at least "discharge and charge" per month. Otherwise the inner battery fluid / material will be crystallized and reduce the capacity and turn to dead

Good luck.
作者: SPOONACCORD    時間: 2006-9-1 02:15
作者: GigaRacer    時間: 2006-9-1 02:40
原帖由 SPOONACCORD 於 2006-8-31 10:15 發表

How about ICE charger?  Invest one time, and can charge Lipo in the future.
作者: Motorman    時間: 2006-9-1 02:56
原帖由 SPOONACCORD 於 2006-9-1 02:15 AM 發表

Those latest NiMH batteris (over 3300 mAh) could be used 4A - 5A to charge it. (For those unmatched or unzapped batteries, don't charge with a current over 5A, otherwise the battery will become very hot and not durable). Does your TCP got LCD to display charging time and mAh information? If no, it's hard to tell the battery status during charging and nobody will know whether the job could be done.

I suggest to buy a better charger at least with follow adjustable functions or display:
1. current (A)  
2. type of battery (NiCd, NiMH, Lipo......)
3. "delta V" detection value (NiCd and NiMH got different value)
4. charging time display
5. mAh display
5. temp display (if applicable)

Note: Without good charger and good batteries, the car won't be fast even you have a 7T motor. To be honest.... get better battery and charger.....  even run with a 23T motor and you could have a modified motor feel.
作者: GigaRacer    時間: 2006-9-1 07:17
原帖由 Motorman 於 2006-8-31 10:56 發表

Those latest NiMH batteris (over 3300 mAh) could be used 4A - 5A to charge it. (For those unmatched or unzapped batteries, don't charge with a current over 5A, otherwise the battery will become ...

Motorman always encourage good batteries.  Do you go to Tamiya USA official track a lot?  Looks very nice in picture, and it opens to public for free on Sat.
作者: Motorman    時間: 2006-9-1 07:25
原帖由 GigaRacer 於 2006-9-1 07:17 AM 發表

Motorman always encourage good batteries.  Do you go to Tamiya USA official track a lot?  Looks very nice in picture, and it opens to public for free on Sat.

Yes, for my experience.... battery always play an important role.

I don't know it opens to public on Sat....... let me check it out and.........
作者: Motorman    時間: 2006-9-1 08:07
原帖由 GigaRacer 於 2006-9-1 07:17 AM 發表

Do you go to Tamiya USA official track a lot?  Looks very nice in picture, and it opens to public for free on Sat.

You are correct........ confirmed by US Tamiya...... I will have fun overthere every Saturday from now......


作者: GigaRacer    時間: 2006-9-1 08:27
原帖由 Motorman 於 2006-8-31 16:07 發表

You are correct........ confirmed by US Tamiya...... I will have fun overthere every Saturday from now......


now you owe me a pack of "good" battery...
作者: shungyan    時間: 2006-9-1 09:26

There is a lot of reasons for battery to die. But usually, it will not die as sudden as in your case. If it do so, your battery must have been overheat a lot, say, 70-80 degree. I through your battery die was owning to battery quality itself. You may check the inter-connection of those cell. May be one battery cell die and cause the whole pack disconnected.

For charger, much more fits your budget very much. Pay $200 more and it will not disappoint you.
作者: 有勇冇謀    時間: 2006-9-1 09:57
原帖由 Motorman 於 2006-9-1 01:32 發表

The best method is to discharge the remained power before you charge it up to play. If you expect will not use the NiMH battery for a long time, you have to fully charge the battery before put it into the box.

多謝 各師兄賜教.....
作者: s    時間: 2006-9-1 10:15

作者: s    時間: 2006-9-1 10:23
原帖由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-9-1 09:57 發表

多謝 各師兄賜教.....


作者: Motorman    時間: 2006-9-1 10:57
原帖由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-9-1 09:57 AM 發表

多謝 各師兄賜教.....

For cycling or discharge a full charged battery........ I suggest use 10A discharge to 5.4V first and then continue use 1A to discharge down to (5.4V - 5.0V)... and unplug..... after the battery cool down, you could recharge it again. This is a good cycle method.

Why need 10A and 1A discharge: (6 cells batteries pack for example)

10A discharge ----> same situation as running on the car. (unmatched and unzapped batteries are not good for 20A, 30A discharging and I don't suggest high current discharge since it harm the batteries very much and generate a lot of heat)

After "10A discharged" to 5.4V, the battery still remains a lot of power and it doesn't really 100% discharge during this period.

Then use 1A to discharge to 5.4V or lower voltage..... the battery really reach 100% discharged this time. (This process is called equalized.)

Finally, the battery pack could be recharged again after cool off. (Cyling NiMH batteries not more than 3 times per day was suggested)


Buy a charger with 0 to 10 A discharge function, then you could have the job done.  
作者: AMAT    時間: 2006-9-1 10:59
原帖由 Motorman 於 2006-9-1 10:57 發表

For cycling or discharge a full charged battery........ I suggest use 10A discharge to 5.4V first and then continue use 1A to discharge down to (5.4V - 5.0V)... and unplug..... after the batt ...


作者: 有勇冇謀    時間: 2006-9-1 11:02
原帖由 Motorman 於 2006-9-1 10:57 發表

Buy a charger with 0 to 10 A discharge function, then you could have the job done.

thanks very very much
有冇淨 discharge for 0 to 10A ?? & how much??
作者: Motorman    時間: 2006-9-1 11:03
原帖由 GigaRacer 於 2006-9-1 08:27 AM 發表

now you owe me a pack of "good" battery...

Next time you stop by here, I bring you there have fun!
作者: Motorman    時間: 2006-9-1 11:09
原帖由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-9-1 11:02 AM 發表

thanks very very much
有冇淨 discharge for 0 to 10A ?? & how much??

As I know, there're no this kind of discharger on the market.

I am using this one:


作者: s    時間: 2006-9-1 11:32
原帖由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-9-1 11:02 發表

thanks very very much
有冇淨 discharge for 0 to 10A ?? & how much??

作者: jpmontoya2    時間: 2006-9-1 11:35
原帖由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-8-31 10:31 發表
小弟買了一排三洋3600電池(唔係 match)一個月之內, 叉不足4次, 在最後一次叉電時,叉到3900 但排電非常之熱, 小弟不足為意, 到用排電時, 完全無電唔車, 原來舊電瓜 o左....why???? 點保養?? 可否提 ...

I ahve the Tamiya 3600 Sanyo HV pack too...after a few charge..one of them has the liquid leaking man!!!
poor quality!!!!!!!
作者: 有勇冇謀    時間: 2006-9-1 14:25
原帖由 jpmontoya2 於 2006-9-1 11:35 發表

I ahve the Tamiya 3600 Sanyo HV pack too...after a few charge..one of them has the liquid leaking man!!!
poor quality!!!!!!!

OH...唔見 $四舊幾
作者: s    時間: 2006-9-1 14:35
原帖由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-9-1 14:25 發表

OH...唔見 $四舊幾

作者: 112233men    時間: 2006-9-7 17:17
作者: 112233men    時間: 2006-9-7 17:20
作者: wave    時間: 2006-9-7 17:26
原帖由 112233men 於 2006-9-7 17:17 發表

作者: DieselEngine    時間: 2006-9-7 20:32
原帖由 AIBO 於 31/8/2006 03:34 PM 發表


唔講又真係唔知APEX有保養啵, 小生買果部APEX sigma係二手.
但係用左都成年, 叉電就唔會話滿爆, 但起碼冇死過電, 對於玩油車的小生黎講很滿足了.
作者: Motorman    時間: 2006-9-9 11:08
Hit the link for NiMH Battery Care and Maintenance
作者: jackychan    時間: 2006-9-9 15:30
原帖由 Motorman 於 2006-9-9 11:08 發表
Hit the link for NiMH Battery Care and Maintenance

thx for sharing

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