你唔係去左玩越來越搞野車咩作者: oscarchoi 時間: 2011-4-2 13:21
一炉两食、\作者: benlau 時間: 2011-4-2 23:49 回復 3#billychan
front 100g rear 60g只是個人意見作者: benlau 時間: 2011-4-2 23:54 回復 1#cw118
本人用原裝已用了大約20小時行車時間都冇問題出現。作者: cw118 時間: 2011-4-3 02:45
thx 各位師兄意見,因為始終對慢爬認識唔多,呢部又係第一部慢爬所以想砌好d,收多d料,車架接近完成作者: rover901 時間: 2011-4-3 10:10
c-hing, since the original rims are bead lock wheels, is it necessary to use glue to fix the tires on the rim? I havn't used any......
and brushless is not good for crawlers as low speed control is not as good as brushed, that's what I think......