咁又唔一定既........好似我地去pyc咁.....佢地都係日唞玩油, 夜晚玩電(我), 我地都係用sorex......都無咩問題既
但係太極端既(如灣仔橋底)就....................作者: alan0108 時間: 2011-4-2 10:48
sorex平d or 海綿呔平d??作者: jf813 時間: 2011-4-2 11:23
Sorex 200hkd plus with insert and rims. 海綿 around 120hkd with rims. 海綿 much faster at pickup as it is a lot lighter than rubber tires. But need to change setting as it have more grip. Need to setup the suspension a lot harder (use 1/10 nitro spring).作者: terrykan 時間: 2011-4-4 13:39