1/F 旺角煙廠街興發商業大廈1樓 --> Xray T3 & Parts
11/F 旺角煙廠街興發商業大廈11樓 --> Top Photon & Parts
22/F 旺角煙廠街興發商業大廈22樓 --> Associated TC6 & Parts
11/F and 22/F are both very nice and willing to answer.
11/F prices are better and more standard. 22/F change price all the time...
1/F very busy most of the time, and not very willing to answer questions.作者: buzzybee82 時間: 2011-4-8 02:11
如過想學set車, 我都會建議sakura s 或者ta05 v2呢兩款...一來parts多, 二來可以set多d野......至於一步到位當然係好, 但set唔好, 走唔好, 撞爛野d parts貴咪又係肉痛???