In fact , wt's the difference between DRB & DRB SSG ??
sorry for asking the silly question ah C ...
1. Silver Carbon
2. Improved Motor Mount and Bridge作者: nikeid 時間: 2011-4-14 23:26
How much of the DRB SSG more expensive than the DRB ??作者: kenny0925 時間: 2011-4-14 23:38
very very very good ar:):):):):):):):):):):):)作者: chunyu23171 時間: 2011-4-15 02:28
very good作者: lws920 時間: 2011-4-15 20:06
嘩......超毒呀!!!作者: s.y.kwok 時間: 2011-4-15 20:44
黑色波頭效果可能更佳喎作者: COLT仔 時間: 2011-4-16 12:34
very nice 作者: 666secret 時間: 2011-4-16 16:52
very nice very nice