Just wonder how to cut the 殼, and what kind of tools are you using for cutting the 殼....
and the circle wheel part...how to cut..殼
Thanks 作者: ㊣ 時間: 2011-5-2 11:30
i use scissors and cutters only
但要夠利作者: inch123456 時間: 2011-5-2 11:50
but the wheel part..how to cut like a circle?
my one is..just the mini cooper one....
any suggestion?
btw, how to make the cover? any steps...i am new作者: andyccf2004 時間: 2011-5-5 00:08
個人比較喜歡先剪後噴,車殼透明時,比較容易對正個殼柱去開孔,不過記得貼好D張遮蓋膠紙,以免滲漏.作者: inch123456 時間: 2011-5-5 09:24 本帖最後由 inch123456 於 2011-5-5 09:25 編輯
好D張遮蓋膠紙.......what is that???
btw, last night, I cut the 殼, it is very bad in the wheel part ...a lot of sharps.........any tools can help to make it smooth...???