RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: 升車沒什麼? [打印本頁]

作者: stevenc123    時間: 2011-5-11 06:19
標題: 升車沒什麼?
作者: 車仔同學會    時間: 2011-5-11 08:33
buy a new one
作者: stevenc123    時間: 2011-5-11 09:32
回復 車仔同學會 的帖子

buy what though? specifically
作者: nikeid    時間: 2011-5-11 10:20
車仔同學會 發表於 2011-5-11 08:33
buy a new one

i also think so....!
consider DRB , OTA , VDF..
作者: stevenc123    時間: 2011-5-11 10:28
回復 nikeid 的帖子

so do i change the motor and servos or not?
作者: nikeid    時間: 2011-5-11 10:31
本帖最後由 nikeid 於 2011-5-11 10:36 編輯

你架TT-01 已經全改OPTION-PARTS ??  我以前都玩TT-01  發現買OP既錢+原本架車既錢,差唔多可以買架頂級車啦

作者: stevenc123    時間: 2011-5-11 10:44
回復 nikeid 的帖子

i think of buying the motor and servo first and i want to ask for choosing servo do i just look at the speed?
作者: fatchickterian    時間: 2011-5-11 10:59
回復 stevenc123 的帖子

yes, just look for the faster servo for drifting, e.g. 0.10 @ 6V, and possibly choose a higher tourqe once like 9 - 10Kg.

one good brand would be savox!!

For bushless motors, don't need very high end once, just anything with 13.5 - 17.5T normally, sensor or sensorless are both good!!
作者: stevenc123    時間: 2011-5-11 11:01
回復 fatchickterian 的帖子

would XDF-6 be good for servo? if not can you suggest some? and for motors i dont really understand why the same turn have different pricing, maybe you can give me some model number suggestion too? thank you
作者: fatchickterian    時間: 2011-5-11 11:16
回復 stevenc123 的帖子

Yes, SDF-6 will do the job!  I'm using Savox SC-1251MG, very smooth!

for brushless system, you can consider:
HOBBYWING eZRun 13T Motor + 35A-SD Combo 193A
This is something cheap and reliable (sensorless)!

If you want senored system for smoother control, try:
Any Hobbywing XeRun 13.5T motor + 60A ESC (V2.0 - 2.1 are both good)

Good luck!!
作者: nikeid    時間: 2011-5-11 14:43
fatchickterian 發表於 2011-5-11 11:16
回復 stevenc123 的帖子

Yes, SDF-6 will do the job!  I'm using Savox SC-1251MG, very smooth!

it's useful information, c-hing, thx !
作者: stevenc123    時間: 2011-5-11 14:50
回復 fatchickterian 的帖子

thank you !!! very help ful i guess i will get that for my car upgrade then late rin the future i will get VDF!!!
作者: stevenc123    時間: 2011-5-11 14:52
回復 nikeid 的帖子

what is c-hing actually? i see it a lot through out the forum
作者: nikeid    時間: 2011-5-11 14:55
it means 師兄
作者: stevenc123    時間: 2011-5-11 18:02
回復 nikeid 的帖子

ohhh!!! hahaha i see and i want to ask HOBBYWING eZRun 13T Motor + 35A-SD Combo 193A around how much hkd?
作者: nikeid    時間: 2011-5-12 02:51
stevenc123 發表於 2011-5-11 18:02
回復 nikeid 的帖子

ohhh!!! hahaha i see and i want to ask HOBBYWING eZRun 13T Motor + 35A-SD Combo  ...

c-hing u should go to KWS by yourself !!   
作者: stevenc123    時間: 2011-5-12 04:54
回復 nikeid 的帖子

um where is KWS? hahahahaha i only MK to buy RC stuff
作者: nikeid    時間: 2011-5-12 13:10
Kwong Wah Street ! just oposite to the Kwong Wah Hospital ! SEE ??
作者: nikeid    時間: 2011-5-12 13:34
fatchickterian 發表於 2011-5-11 11:16
回復 stevenc123 的帖子

Yes, SDF-6 will do the job!  I'm using Savox SC-1251MG, very smooth!

if I use 10.5T , is it good for drift ?
作者: fatchickterian    時間: 2011-5-13 07:56
回復 nikeid 的帖子

10.5T should be ok, my friend is using 9T for drifting!

At the end of the day, it is just depending on your gear ratio! E.g. if you're using 10.5T, and if you want more torque, just use a smaller pinion gear, but loosing top speed (not much affect for driting anyway).

I'll give you another e.g. I do a bit of touring (fast car) as well, I'm using 13T for my car (TB03) and still be able to win cars with 9T (TA05 v2), because I choose my gear ratio well!!
作者: stevenc123    時間: 2011-5-13 09:17
回復 fatchickterian 的帖子

i wonder what should i look at for buying a motor, like i understand that the lower the T is the faster but what else should i look at? what what difference does sensor and sensorless motor have?
作者: fatchickterian    時間: 2011-5-13 09:39
回復 stevenc123 的帖子

Ok, let's give you some ideas, most people use 21T - 13T for drifting, because the higher T (turn) motor have more torque.

I used 13T Speed Passion sensorless motor for my first drift car (TB03D), and found it very easy to do drift and correction.  I'm now using 8.5T sensored for my D-Max, and found it alot smoother but less torque.

Sensor and Sensorless does not make much difference for new hands, but both have it's own advantages.

So if you're planning to just do drifting, a 13T sensorless will be most suitable for it (I think!)
作者: stevenc123    時間: 2011-5-13 09:59
回復 fatchickterian 的帖子

i recon i will need about 1200 for servo motor combo and lipo batteries and charger, lol
作者: nikeid    時間: 2011-5-13 10:25
fatchickterian 發表於 2011-5-13 07:56
回復 nikeid 的帖子

10.5T should be ok, my friend is using 9T for drifting!

then I buy a 8.5T motorto try on my car
作者: fatchickterian    時間: 2011-5-13 10:47
回復 nikeid 的帖子

Sure, just make sure to set the overall gear ratio higher than 6.5:1, because the motor will get over heat very easily if going below 6.5:1!!
作者: nikeid    時間: 2011-5-13 15:42
fatchickterian 發表於 2011-5-13 10:47
回復 nikeid 的帖子

Sure, just make sure to set the overall gear ratio higher than 6.5:1, because th ...

oh no ! For my DRB , 5.465 is the highest gear ratio when it is playing CS2.0 !!  
then which motor should I use ??
作者: stevenc123    時間: 2011-5-13 23:36
回復 fatchickterian 的帖子

i bought a 9T one hope its fine, getting it tommorow
作者: fatchickterian    時間: 2011-5-16 07:48
回復 nikeid 的帖子

oh, you can use 10.5T max (5.5:1), I think 13T or 13.5T will be more safe.
作者: fatchickterian    時間: 2011-5-16 07:50
回復 stevenc123 的帖子

Not 100% sure the ratio about 9T, but it will be safe to use 6.5:1.

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