標題: 請問改頭單向有咩好處 [打印本頁] 作者: cyberkohk 時間: 2011-5-11 17:53 標題: 請問改頭單向有咩好處 請問改頭單向有咩好處會唔會好難控制 , 而家CHING及各車廠都話改用牙差 , 不過以往CHING都係珠差好灣過牙差其實好咩比較好作者: manman1999 時間: 2011-5-11 18:20
頭單向係咪易擺尾過彎D,出彎就個頭帶番直個尾咁?作者: hardmankam 時間: 2011-5-11 18:40
front 1-way, when
1. on-power (throttle) acts like a spool, 4wd, power to all 4 wheels
2. off-power (no-throttle or braking) acts like a rwd only, the front tires will continue to roll forward, this will give your more steering around the corner. however, you cannot brake very hard since only the rear tires will lock up, causing the car to spin out.作者: fatchickterian 時間: 2011-5-12 08:29
C-Hing Hardmankam is correct!
I find it not be able to brake at all, just little touch on the brake the car would spin out!
Very un-safe when you need emergency braking. I strongly suggest not to use front one way!作者: maxchow 時間: 2011-5-12 09:10
壞處是無 brake,又要渣得柔。
暴力加速,呢term好正!作者: hardmankam 時間: 2011-5-12 10:58
For racing, spool is the way to go, as it is the fastest around the track with today's powerful brushless motors and batteries.
For leisure/fun, you can consider 1-way because it will wear a lot less on the belts, drive cups/shafts etc... You have to treat it like a 2wd and DONT slam on the brakes. For a large, flowing track like JV, its quite fun there.作者: nikeid 時間: 2011-5-12 13:14
唔知點解,我自己覺得頭珠好控過頭單,以前玩TT-01用頭單,架車好易就打白鴿轉,玩到火滾作者: hardmankam 時間: 2011-5-12 13:31
頭珠叉/牙叉 is in-between 頭直及頭單向。作者: maxchow 時間: 2011-5-12 22:50