JV"週曰B埸…5/6/11…橫滑^^~~^6:30作者: roy55699 時間: 2011-6-2 09:58
could u go there on saturday? i will go on sat! 作者: popotang 時間: 2011-6-2 20:19
need work at sat i just hv time sunday so….u will come too? 作者: roy55699 時間: 2011-6-2 23:24 回復 popotang 的帖子
time? i need to work and finish at 6:30
i need to plan!!! 作者: popotang 時間: 2011-6-3 00:24
wait u come^^ 作者: popotang 時間: 2011-6-3 00:26
6:30恭候7:30入席^^作者: cheong0523 時間: 2011-6-3 01:03
JV?作者: popotang 時間: 2011-6-3 15:26 回復 cheong0523 的帖子