原帖由 coolboy 於 2006-9-12 02:50 發表
原帖由 觀星是答案 於 2006-9-12 09:28 發表
唔用 Diode 就可以有後波了
原帖由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-9-12 09:54 發表
其實你可以 運用 Diode & 加多一粒 relay 便可以有埋後波燈 添....
原帖由 Mobility(雲) 於 2006-9-12 14:06 發表
觀星兄, 造一套給我好wor
原帖由 samy 於 2006-9-12 15:38 發表
i saw three pair of wire come from pcb, two pair for brake light, right? how about the one in black + red, what for ? thanks!
原帖由 觀星是答案 於 2006-9-12 00:53 發表
之後就是開 1mm 孔和上零件和線
原帖由 wave 於 2006-9-12 16:44 發表
原帖由 TT-01 於 2006-9-13 17:48 發表
Thank you......I am thinkig to design a circuit which has rear warning light and brake light together with a reverse light, white,....but I am not good in electronics.....I just can recall my memor ...
原帖由 TT-01 於 2006-9-14 09:30 發表
First of all, I must thank you for giving the electronic links to me and I have real almost all the articales. It recalls my memories in those good old days.
I have think about the circuit last n ...
原帖由 TT-01 於 2006-9-14 11:13 發表
I want the right indicator will light when I turn right and apply the same the left...
原帖由 TT-01 於 2006-9-14 12:37 發表
I have read all your articles and I find that there is no source of signal that I can get from the receiver. Receiver usually have 3 sockets, one for steering, one for ESC and the last one is Aux ...
原帖由 TT-01 於 2006-9-14 16:00 發表
Making use of my technique from helicopter, I think I can make a Y-cable. However, how to connect to the LED light. Red to + of LED, Black to - of LED, then what about white.....Please teach me.. ...
原帖由 TT-01 於 2006-9-14 16:00 發表
Making use of my technique from helicopter, I think I can make a Y-cable. However, how to connect to the LED light. Red to + of LED, Black to - of LED, then what about white.....Please teach me.. ...
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2006-9-14 22:26 發表
You can make reference to the circuit in the following link:
Output from pins 12 and 13 will go high/low when you making a left/r ...
原帖由 TT-01 於 2006-9-15 10:10 發表
Well, it is too complicated but I will try and test. What is ADC as mentioned earlier..
Thanks to you all...
原帖由 觀星是答案 於 2006-9-15 09:41 發表
need to have a try ...
One Flip Flop circuit cannot have 3 choices ...
原帖由 ├KEVIN┤ 於 2006-11-26 01:23 發表
原帖由 觀星是答案 於 2007-1-29 00:10 發表
應該 o岩啦
視乎你粒係咩 relay, 決定邊個位放 100 Ohm, 邊個位放 1k Ohm
原帖由 xhox 於 2007-1-29 00:14 發表
原帖由 觀星是答案 於 2007-1-29 00:21 發表
視乎 relay model, 睇下佢 idle 時 park o左去邊一邊
idle 即係你收油 / 落 break 時
原帖由 xhox 於 2007-1-29 00:24 發表
依家用係你果個model ge話 arm唔arm位??
原帖由 觀星是答案 於 2007-1-29 00:26 發表
上 google search datasheet
所有電子零件都有 datasheet 的, 只係視乎有無放出來而已
Relay 唔係咩特別 o野, 9 成 model 都有 datasheet 的
原帖由 andy_881416 於 2007-1-29 01:37 發表
我想整http://bbs.rc-evo.com/viewthread ... amp;extra=page%3D1)呢個...
都怪以前無 ...
原帖由 觀星是答案 於 2007-1-29 01:57 發表
識路去和興 wo ~ 叻仔 !
原帖由 raymondtwm 於 2007-5-14 19:56 發表
D 野用完倒去邊?
原帖由 wong2109 於 2007-5-14 18:57 發表
原帖由 xhox 於 2007-5-15 13:22 發表
原帖由 wong2109 於 2007-5-15 15:25 發表
係呀!! D窿窿板真係好好用,
又平wor!! 幾蚊之嘛!! 又唔駛浸板,容易預位,係咪先?
原帖由 NSX 於 2007-5-17 14:11 發表
brake 燈又最多可以裝多少?
原帖由 wong2109 於 2007-5-12 02:39 發表
原帖由 makfai 於 2007-5-22 08:38 發表
各位師兄, 用 relay + motor 開暗燈同 brake 燈我都有整到.但有小小問提想同大家研究下
如果用 3v relay, 基本上 2v幾就會著2v到先會熄.
咁一開車就暗燈,但就要收車到差唔多停先著brake 燈
當架車full 雞行 ...
原帖由 lok 於 2007-5-23 17:40 發表
原帖由 觀星是答案 於 2006-9-12 12:45 AM 發表
這份 kit 由 receiver 取電推動, brake 燈會在行車時暗淡, 剎車時光亮 (By using 3V / 5V relay - http://bbs.rc-evo.com/viewthread ... amp;extra=page%3D1)
即 Dual-intensity brake light action
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