作者: nel3838 時間: 2011-7-19 11:13
no laaa... quitely but "ah zhi" dont like... 作者: mercedes 時間: 2011-7-19 11:31
better ask LCSD to open it for buggy作者: 19R 時間: 2011-7-19 11:51
我知....好可惜作者: polarbear 時間: 2011-7-19 12:26
No la, pls don't consider JV is only for RC. We need to balance the community with various facilities. The jogging track, botany, and kids playgrounds are fun place to families and various group of the community. Track A and B are too good to us la.作者: punchan 時間: 2011-7-19 13:14
其代草地C場,油電齊飛作者: coollookpa 時間: 2011-7-19 13:14
唔通人地一家大細係草地玩又話如果A,B場變做草地又可以多個地方野餐就好咁你會點,樓主什麼叫浪費!!! 呢D分明係叫自私,咪得一想二作者: tekin708 時間: 2011-7-19 13:47
如果去草地玩車,自私左D。係玩車請去A/B場。作者: hinwong 時間: 2011-7-19 14:35
樓主忘記左. jv係一個公園.....作者: nel3838 時間: 2011-7-19 15:34