RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: RC tanks [打印本頁]

作者: mercedes    時間: 2011-8-10 14:09
標題: RC tanks
The number of posts in this webpage is getting less and less.  Does it seem that the number of people playing RC tanks is decreasing.  
作者: askalaw    時間: 2011-8-10 14:23
I guess not, I think most of the ching are busy.
and Just like me, I cannot find the M51 in store so, I bought a M26 Pershing, and started assembly ..
作者: pwcp    時間: 2011-8-10 15:42
May I ask how much is the M26, and where you bought it? Thanks!
作者: 車壇新手    時間: 2011-8-10 16:16
askalaw 發表於 2011-8-10 14:23
I guess not, I think most of the ching are busy.
and Just like me, I cannot find the M51 in store  ...

M51...try "red star" to pre order...I am also order this tank thru them...
作者: askalaw    時間: 2011-8-10 20:02
回復 pwcp 的帖子

I bought from a Ching who did 60% done. And I disassembly it in pieces again and rework. I may convert it into a super Pershing. Now I'm gathering information form internnet.
作者: 周百通    時間: 2011-8-10 22:54
本帖最後由 周百通 於 2011-8-10 22:55 編輯

回復 mercedes 的帖子

作者: askalaw    時間: 2011-8-10 23:14
周百通 發表於 2011-8-10 22:54
回復 mercedes 的帖子


同感, 其實我都想約大家出黎放坦克, 但未知大家有否空???
時間唔係星期六就星期日, 有興趣的話開多條標題大家俾下意見日期時間地點等等.
作者: askalaw    時間: 2011-8-10 23:18
回復 車壇新手 的帖子

我見冇, 問都冇問就走左... 原來要訂...
作者: 周百通    時間: 2011-8-10 23:20
本帖最後由 周百通 於 2011-8-10 23:39 編輯

