C我都唔知係點定義,但我將佢理解成連續可放電流量.作者: cherwowo 時間: 2011-8-23 14:31
My understanding:
1C = 電池容量 (e.g. 5,600 mAH)
The C value on batteries indicates the number of C's that can be drawn from the battery in an hour (please correct if I am wrong).作者: jerwin123 時間: 2011-8-23 14:40
and what is the different between C and mah??? they seem to be the same...作者: cherwowo 時間: 2011-8-23 14:42 本帖最後由 cherwowo 於 2011-8-23 14:49 編輯
If you multiply the number of C's with the capacity of the battery, you get mAH.
Capacity, they indicate in mAH.
Rate at which energy can be drawn, they indicate in C's.
Both are measured in mAH as unit.
Example: 5,600 mAH, 50C batter means:
A maximum of 5,600 x 50 = 280,000 mA = 280A can be drawn from the battery in 1 hour.
I think that's roughly it
Sure other c-hings can give you a more accurate description. 作者: joesham 時間: 2011-8-23 16:41
Thanks Ching!!!作者: jf813 時間: 2011-8-23 17:16 本帖最後由 jf813 於 2011-8-23 17:19 編輯
The C rating means the discharge rate (or charge rate). For example. a 5600mah, 50C battery.
You can discharge it at 5.6A (5600mA) for 1 hour. The max discharge current is 5.6A x 50C= 280amp. BTW: as Lipo cannot discharge to 100% without damaging it. So don't try to discharge it at 5.6A for 1 hour..... If you discharge this pack at 280A in theory the battery will only last around 72 seconds......作者: cherwowo 時間: 2011-8-23 17:19 本帖最後由 cherwowo 於 2011-8-23 17:20 編輯
Welcome, although how they work out the C values, and put the "50C" and "65C" labels (+ hefty price tag) on the batteries is still a mystery 作者: jf813 時間: 2011-8-23 17:21
Battery factory do have loads to test the battery at these kind of crazy load. But to be hornest the most important point is how it "feel" when you drive it. Right? 作者: cherwowo 時間: 2011-8-23 17:32
Yes, yes. As I am a slow driver, 爆 or not doesn't matter that much to me.
On another point, can someone tell me:
- The ESC controls the voltage supplied across the motor
- The motor's resistence determines the current of the circuit (V= IR so I = V/R)
So current depends on the motor. That's why the RC shop says, for fast motors, you need batteries with higher C values.
But what happens if I put a battery with low C values with a fast motor? Will the motor still work? If so, what's the effect on the battery? Will it puff or die? 作者: Allan007 時間: 2011-8-23 17:40
- The ESC controls the voltage supplied across the motor - More or less
- The motor's resistence determines the current of the circuit (V= IR so I = V/R) - Not really
So current depends on the motor. That's why the RC shop says, for fast motors, you need batteries with higher C values. - That's true.
But what happens if I put a battery with low C values with a fast motor? Will the motor still work? If so, what's the effect on the battery? Will it puff or die? The motor will draw a current which has exceeded the limit of the battery. The motor will not run as powerfully as running on a high-C battery. The battery's life will be shortened or it will "swell" shortly.