幾錢呢?THX~ 作者: 龜速隊長 時間: 2011-8-24 20:49
幾錢?作者: chris6200 時間: 2011-8-24 21:18
how much this one? 作者: miyavi69 時間: 2011-8-24 21:37
today i call you~but your staff said no stock ~~
next stock willl arrival next month~ T_T作者: jethobby 時間: 2011-8-24 21:50 回復 jethobby 的帖子
先前已落訂的客人, 已於今天下午收到我們通知可以取貨!
在另一 post 已說明, 沒有落訂的要等大貨到了!
下一批貨預計 9月初到, 但確實日期容後通知!
多謝捧場! 作者: waiwaiyick 時間: 2011-8-24 22:27
請問下批貨幾錢呀,唔該作者: william.lauy 時間: 2011-8-25 23:56
請問下批貨幾錢呀作者: william.lauy 時間: 2011-8-26 00:07
HPI #4727
四隻多少錢?作者: fishman0303 時間: 2011-8-26 19:47
how much this one?
作者: garytan924 時間: 2011-8-26 20:52
how much thx.....作者: inch123456 時間: 2011-8-27 23:11
WOOO...how much...and what is the size for this car..thanks作者: william.lauy 時間: 2011-9-1 18:56
savage XS in stock this weekend? 作者: monkey1 時間: 2011-9-9 10:14
How much??作者: jethobby 時間: 2011-9-9 23:36 本帖最後由 jethobby 於 2011-9-9 23:38 編輯
i come and take it on firday~~~
wait long time la~
then i'll go to mainland to choice my new bike~~~作者: _峰_ 時間: 2011-9-9 23:47
How much??作者: siboy 時間: 2011-9-10 10:24
幾時有 wheelie bar 呀? 冇佢好難玩作者: du0449 時間: 2011-9-12 16:19
即係我又無份呀?唔見有通知?唔係掛!作者: miyavi69 時間: 2011-9-13 01:13 本帖最後由 miyavi69 於 2011-9-13 01:15 編輯
Today just got my flux, having some problem~
1:Servo screw missing,(fix it with tamiya alu servo screw,so doesn't matter)
2:power cable get hot and some stinky smell when connect a 2s lipo (not running just setting up radio)
3:cog like hell~my fd in U.S. facing same problem too~
how can i fix this?作者: monkey1 時間: 2011-9-15 08:54
The first lot mostly has some minor bug, hope the 2nd lot has fixed the problem!