this speedcontrol is using now in touring car, not need.作者: emaxxyeung 時間: 2011-8-30 18:08
師兄們,幫下手post D vintage 级 ESC 出來呀,
可以温故知新。 作者: racart 時間: 2011-8-30 21:28
呢隻我無用個作者: tiger1 時間: 2011-8-30 22:59
Novak, tekin 電子變速 very ging, almost never 燒, in fact I do not know how people 燒...
作者: tiger1 時間: 2011-8-30 23:00
but those HK made one was another story, I got TP 電子變速, plug in 7.2V, 燒 in a few seconds... 作者: chris6200 時間: 2011-8-31 12:11
小弟愚昧,呢個電變無見過。作者: tiger1 時間: 2011-8-31 12:45
我都有兩隻作者: rodmanwing 時間: 2011-9-7 01:28
i also have one Novak Racer its still work normal ah作者: corkscrew 時間: 2011-9-7 10:30
咁多師兄都KEEP緊NOVAK, 有D成20年~真係一分錢一分貨~~作者: chris6200 時間: 2011-9-7 10:41
昔日的電子產品大多數都由產地國製造,如運用適當可用上十多年。但現時所有東西都由所謂的強國生產,產品質量大不如前!作者: sttyc 時間: 2011-9-8 11:53
Tekin G10, Led 顯示 setting , 另所有Fet是外露的, 當時設計前衛. 作者: bigbigboy 時間: 2011-9-8 12:16
It's still working and F201 is a very beautiful machine!
Agree, that I have 2 (1 with OP for collect and the other with original set up for run)作者: sttyc 時間: 2011-9-8 12:39 回復 bigbigboy 的帖子
I remember there was a full option version and it is hard to find now.作者: garywong5368 時間: 2011-9-8 12:51
我仲用緊作者: levinw 時間: 2011-9-10 14:16
420-g2 is a good esc作者: yuenchitat 時間: 2011-9-11 01:12 本帖最後由 yuenchitat 於 2011-9-11 01:35 編輯