"The 2in1 LiPo guard+BEC makes every brushless and brushed speed control useable for LiPo batteries. During operation the 2in1 LiPo Guard+BEC monitors at all time the LiPo batteries, so they never get too low discharged. In addition the LiPo Guard also features a strong 6V/5A BEC.
The built-in BEC in speed controls is mostly to weak and is not designed for high input voltage, such as 3S or 4S. That’s where the 2in1 LiPo Guard+BEC comes into play and does all the work!
" 作者: twa11 時間: 2011-8-31 16:53
defcone ching 可唔可以用中文解釋一下,因為小弟英文是有限公司作者: defcone 時間: 2011-8-31 17:54
可以用到4S差入呢個2in1, 佢會減壓到6V俾個接收用.作者: twa11 時間: 2011-8-31 18:02
唔該哂 defcone 師兄作者: Disc 時間: 2011-9-1 00:57
(電壓第於一定值時,佢就同你鎖油門) ??? 都係唔太明佢嘅作用?作者: defcone 時間: 2011-9-1 01:40