原帖由 moon 於 2006-9-19 15:28 發表
撞爛左~ 唔知買咩殼好添~~俾d意見丫,thx!
原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-9-19 16:41 發表
Porsche Boxster/BMW Z3/Benz SLK........ These could be found in Chong Sing....
原帖由 銅鑼灣大帝 於 2006-9-19 17:43 發表
bro mike, m04m wor, not m04l
原帖由 courel500 於 2006-9-19 18:33 發表
可能佢唔記得啦 !
原帖由 銅鑼灣大帝 於 2006-9-19 17:43 發表
bro mike, m04m wor, not m04l
原帖由 J 於 2006-9-19 18:40 發表
add the extension part from the kit and you're done~
no problem using these shells la.
原帖由 銅鑼灣大帝 於 2006-9-19 18:59 發表
hoho, yes you are right sir! My mistake....
樓主, the extension parts were included in your M04M kit, hopefully you haven't thrown them out.
原帖由 moon 於 2006-9-19 22:23 發表
我d parts都仲係度呀~ 但係唔知邊件係extenion parts~
咁我想知 m04m 係咪係比m04 短??
原帖由 moon 於 2006-9-21 04:22 發表
咁hpi 個ek9 係咪je係m04都用得呢?
原帖由 moon 於 2006-9-21 04:22 發表
咁hpi 個ek9 係咪je係m04都用得呢?
原帖由 龍崗小吳 於 2006-9-21 14:28 發表
我就是用HPI的EK9 CIVIC裝我的M-04M
原帖由 smallfaifai 於 2006/11/19, 02:12 發表
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