原帖由 WTO 於 2006-9-19 19:55 發表
thx for sharing...好毒...
原帖由 wave 於 2006-9-19 19:48 發表
勁正 ,一定要買
原帖由 馬田 於 2006-9-19 22:44 發表
原帖由 SPAWN 於 2006-9-19 22:50 發表
原帖由 gibson 於 2006-9-19 20:41 發表
I don't think so, from the movie, it does not has the ability in clawing and it is very urgly without the shell. Still its a must buy item.... alas, the virus is still very strong.... ...... I ...
原帖由 minimini 於 2006-9-19 23:44 發表
4 支油壓 OK 嗎??
原帖由 soilderman83 於 2006-9-20 07:36 發表
My friend tried ,it's OK! Dr. will you buy this truck,I want to buy la!
原帖由 minimini 於 2006-9-19 23:44 發表
嗰 4 支油壓 OK 嗎??
Features red anodized aluminum cylinder. Damping effect can be adjusted by applying separately available Friction Damper Grease and adding o-rings. Select according to ground conditions and leaf spring number.
Standard: normal running Default settings.
Soft: low-speed, high grip running Use 2 leaf springs and adjust tension using damper grease (soft) #53174.
Hard: stable and high-speed running Use 5 leaf springs and apply damper grease (medium) #53175 or (hard) #53176.
原帖由 minimini 於 2006-9-20 23:18 發表
need to think think sin la........or wait for more hop-up options before buying.........
原帖由 soilderman83 於 2006-9-21 10:59 發表
Dr.!Will the price be lower later? I got the information is F350$2200+Bearing$280,but I saw the Tamiya USA web site,F350 set are including bearing (May be my English is bad to get the wrong mea ...
原帖由 smp 於 2006-9-21 16:28 發表
原帖由 RCman 於 2006-9-21 12:15 發表
the USA site .........is metal bearings(bushings)<<<"銅柸士", NOT "BALL" bearings
原帖由 銅鑼灣大帝 於 2006-9-21 04:49 發表
yep sir, they are friction dampers!! and there is a choice of grease of different viscosity to choose fromi dont know ma ...
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