Program card 分開買約150$
我就用緊speed passion 較低溫 亦足力 約5xx$
見四周d師兄多數用 teampowers , LRP , speed passion lee類
價錢 LRP> speed passion > teampowers
但開turbo需小心處理散熱 尤其LRP
SE既motor 則小心考慮 事關係吾足力 但就平 only for 29x$ 作者: samsonl 時間: 2011-9-26 19:17
I used team power 5.5T with turbo. The temperature is under 60 degree at night time.作者: kelvin2626 時間: 2011-9-26 19:42
I used team power 5.5T with turbo. The temperature is under 60 degree at night time.
How about in the day time?
I use speed passion 7.5r with turbo and the temperature is 47 degree at day time作者: samsonl 時間: 2011-9-26 19:46 回復 kelvin2626 的帖子
Also under 60 degree. I used dual YR fans.作者: fung2010 時間: 2011-9-27 11:27 回復 kelvin2626 的帖子