Winning bid:US $104.50 at the time I post it...... 作者: bertchai 時間: 2011-10-8 14:38 本帖最後由 bertchai 於 2011-10-8 14:39 編輯
I saw this in the web, anyone remember what this is? AYK or Mugen?
I had this RM7 ESC... haha 作者: pd 時間: 2011-10-8 14:40
Look like Mugen KX...... 作者: tiger1 時間: 2011-10-8 15:48
that was the first ever mugen!!! 作者: chiwingedwinlo 時間: 2011-10-8 15:50
It is Mugen. (maybe K2-X...... or something like this) 作者: chacha 時間: 2011-10-8 16:07 回復 chiwingedwinlo 的帖子
係呢架我都有收藏作者: bertchai 時間: 2011-10-8 22:07
wow, yes yes....
I had a Mugen Cosmic.....作者: tiger1 時間: 2011-10-8 23:49
this k2x was one of the best of its time!!!! 作者: ryancmlam 時間: 2011-10-10 20:45 本帖最後由 ryancmlam 於 2011-10-10 20:47 編輯
oops, how come this old stuff worth more than US100? anyway, I got it too. 作者: tunagt 時間: 2011-10-10 20:51 回復 bertchai 的帖子