作者: hohohoo426 時間: 2006-9-23 17:24
架車車好靘,我想問吓喺邊道做呢............ 作者: iCoke 時間: 2006-9-23 19:23
得啵部車 一見中情呀 仲型仔過HN WTO兄邊樹出嫁??HK/台灣有得賣冇呀??作者: PRiNCe 時間: 2006-9-24 01:27
WOW, this must be the best looking truggy ever....'crowd pleazer body and low wing mount' however, being a 'team ...' car it should only be limited within the us 作者: valklai 時間: 2006-10-5 13:22