KT18已經可以作者: nccw 時間: 2011-11-7 20:55
我見其他ching好多都用ex10 真的用係miniZ上有分別咩 此外表比賽對遙控有無限制 作者: ellis 時間: 2011-11-7 21:48
貴既控一定有佢既價值, 例如可以set 轉向angle既大細, 油門既線性, 油門hi-point高低, 各項微調, 計時等功能.作者: shi99580000 時間: 2011-11-8 16:32
THE MOST WANTED作者: yymgun 時間: 2011-11-8 20:18
I have a question about the ASF system (Sorry very new to this only play with the old AM one), it has a "Chase Mode" but need to use EX-5UR ASF remote other than the KT-18, my question is if I don't have the EX-5UR remote will that mean the motor is slower? Or when "Chase Mode" is on, it can only be on for a little while? Trying to understand 作者: ellis 時間: 2011-11-10 17:09