TT-01 chassis? Then this should be new body, cause the old one is 1/12 hard PS body.作者: RGear 時間: 2011-11-21 14:30
This is the new body, you can see the body post at the front.作者: chacha 時間: 2011-11-21 14:53
$6000 羅哂黎買殼,都唔知夠唔夠呢作者: corkscrew 時間: 2011-11-21 15:17
林寶COUNTACH, CELICA GR.5都先後以呢種形式復刻, 令人不禁聯想星星下一步會唔會繼續咁樣出番959, CELICA GR.B, PORSCHE 935 (1/10).........作者: cfchow98 時間: 2011-11-22 19:34
超勁毒. 只要用銀蛋解毒散. 唔係一定死!
唔知早排二手區有位C兄放左部珍藏版出黎是否一早知有復刻出?作者: chacha 時間: 2011-11-22 22:02