Electricity reservoir.作者: eric3037 時間: 2011-11-23 21:22
可否換大容量d既電解电容???作者: bigheman 時間: 2011-11-23 22:02
我呢排連續爆兩次。之後發覺原來喺電插鬆跳下跳下。d電shot 下shot 下!之後換咗個插。ok哂作者: bigbigboy 時間: 2011-11-23 22:16
Wow, any ching have the same problem in this ESC? I have a new one not yet start! 作者: com1010hk 時間: 2011-11-23 22:17
係邊隻esc???可否pm話我知邊間shop買?作者: garywong5368 時間: 2011-11-23 22:23 回復 bigbigboy 的帖子
I have a new one not yet start too作者: bigbigboy 時間: 2011-11-23 22:55 本帖最後由 bigbigboy 於 2011-11-23 22:56 編輯
4粒版會唔會好d??作者: punchan 時間: 2011-11-24 01:18
甘小弟想問,電容玩耐左,需吾需要更換?THX作者: jacobchu2007 時間: 2011-11-24 08:03
Of course, I know the name of Electric capacitor, not electric capacity. What I said is it's function, electricity reservoir, a large cabinet to store electrical energy for sudden demand.作者: 6181788 時間: 2011-11-24 08:33 回復 punchan 的帖子