高C數的確表示放電能力強,但不會快點放完,因為放電時間是視乎摩打的耗電量的。作者: jacobchu2007 時間: 2011-11-29 22:41
LRP AI pro brushless can use both brushed & brushless motors.
For high demanding motors, high C batteries will use up the stored energy faster for the same capacity. If for low demanding motors, no difference.作者: Allan007 時間: 2011-11-29 22:46
LRP AI pro brushless can use both brushed & brushless motors.
For high demanding motors, high C bat ...
Tekin's RS also supports both brushed and brushless motors. But I don't think people nowadays will purposely buy one for a brushed motor.作者: epc_mem 時間: 2011-11-29 22:51
師兄,即係話C 數同放電時間無關/係,而只係同motor 用電量有關? 另外想問仲有無個種ecs 賣同埋會不會好貴?作者: Allan007 時間: 2011-11-29 23:05
即係好似大小水候o既問題 ?
高 c 用高 t 就可以玩耐o的, 因為個 motor 用唔盡個電 ~
相反,高 c 用低 t 就玩無o甘耐或者短好多, 因為個 motor 可能已經用盡個電 ~ 或者個電比唔到o甘多個 motor 食 ~作者: Allan007 時間: 2011-11-30 10:43